Features from X-StreamLoader
(Windows GUI for Livestreamer and Streamlink)
Watch Live streams with Mediaplayer
Watch your favorite live streams with Mediaplayer on your PC, Tablet or Notebook with only some whole clicks.
Instant recording from Live streams
Record instant your favorite live streams with only some whole clicks.
Watch videos on demand (VOD) with Mediaplayer
Watch your favorite VOD's with Mediaplayer on your PC, Tablet or Notebook with only some whole clicks.
Instant recording from videos on demand
Record instant your favorite VOD's on your PC, Tablet or Notebook with only some whole clicks.
Scheduled Recording from Live streams
Set the time when your favorite Stream goes online, and the broadcast will saved as mediafile.
Recording Live streams with Online Check
If the time is not known when your favorite stream goes online, use the Online Check Recording (OCR).
The program will check continously if broadcast is online, and begins the recording if broadcast has started.
In case the stream stops cause connection troubles or something else, the program will try to reconnect every 5 minutes for 2 hours to continue recording
Add streams, VOD Url's as favorite
To open quickly your most watched broadcasts, save it as favorite to have it comfortable in dropdown menues.
Add Game directorys as favorite
To open quickly game directorys from Streaming platforms (like Twitch, Smashcast, Mixer eg.) add the game to favorites and display it in browser with a doubleclick.
Tags: Record streams with Livestreamer or Streamlink, Record Video on demand, Scheduled recording from streams, Auto recording with Livestreamer and Streamlink, Record with Online Check, Continue recording while connection troubles